Carriageworks Farmers Market National delicious Produce Awards | 2020 15 Oct 2020

Carriageworks Farmers Market, the weekly Saturday market providing the freshest seasonal produce from the best growers and producers from around NSW, is delighted to share that four of their stallholders are Gold Medal winners in the national 2020 delicious Harvey Norman Produce Awards announced today. The stallholders achieved gold medals across three categories – diary, earth and sea – with Gary Kadwell from Gourmet Potatoes winning the coveted Producer of The Year Award.

The Carriageworks Farmers Market is a much-loved destination for Sydney residents and visitors that offers the opportunity to learn about the origin of local seasonal produce by purchasing directly from the farmers, chefs and artisan producers who grow, rear or prepare it.

Carriageworks Farmers Market Creative Director Mike McEnearney said, “Carriageworks Farmers Market is home to many of the state’s best farmers and producers and it’s fantastic to see so many of our local stallholders celebrated on a national level. We are delighted to be able to connect these award-winning producers with our community during what continues to be a hard year for the industry. Congratulations to all of the winners!”

The Gold medal Carriageworks Stallholders for each category are as follows:

From the Earth

  • Gourmet Potatoe’s Garry Kadwell won Producer of the Year and a Gold Medal for their Andean Sunrise Potatoes

From the Dairy

  • Pecora Dairy – Gold Medal for their Curly Red cheese
  • The Pines – Gold Medal for their Pearl cheese

From the Sea

  • Mimosa Rock Oysters – Gold Medal for their The Boxer – Medium Rock Oysters

For the full list of Delicious Produce Award Gold Medal and Trophy winners visit:

Carriageworks is pleased to partner with SMEG, a global leader much loved in Australia, to deliver a program that connects communities with chefs and producers.

Strict health and safety measures remain in place at the Carriageworks Farmers Market. To help Carriageworks safeguard the wellbeing of all, visitors are asked to support the following safety measures outlined here.