Enrico Tomelleri: Pan-Seared Lamb Cannelloni with Spring Vegetables RECIPE

Pan-Seared Lamb Cannelloni with Spring Vegetables
Enrico Tomelleri

Chef Enrico Tomelleri joined us at our Spring Seasonal Market to demonstrate how to cook his Pan-Seared Lamb Cannelloni with Spring Vegetables. Read the full recipe below and try it for yourself! You can shop for the ingredients every Saturday at the Carriageworks Farmers Market.


For the pasta:
140 gr flour, Wildflower
140 gr soft Rosella flour
3 eggs, Hilltops Free Range or The Food Farm
1 tbsp salt, Olsson’s Salt

For the béchamel:
1lt milk, Tilba Dairy
100 gr butter, Pepe Saya
80 gr flour, Wildflower
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg, Spice Zen

For the filling:
500 gr spring lamb, loin and leg possibly, cut in small dices, about 5mm, Farmer George Lamb
200 gr mortadella (optional)
200 gr parmigiano reggiano
200 gr smoked scamorza, Vanella Cheese
1 egg, Hilltops Free Range or The Food Farm
1 clove of garlic, Block 11 Organics
1 spring of thyme, Darling Mills Farm
5 mint leaves, Darling Mills Farm
1 spring of rosemary, Darling Mills Farm
100 ml Wildflower Amber Ale, Wildflower
1 bunch silverbeet, Kurrawong Organics
100 gr broad beans, Zavaglia’s Gourmet Produce



1. For the pasta place the flour on a board and make a well in the centre, crack the eggs in to it. Beat the eggs with a fork until smooth.

2. Using the tips of your finger mix the eggs with the flour until everything is well combined.

3. Knead the pieces of dough together to give you one big smooth lump of dough. Wrap in clingfilm and rest for an hour in the fridge.

4. For the béchamel, melt the butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Stir in the flour and cook, stirring constantly, until the paste cooks and bubbles a bit, but don’t let it brown, about 2 minutes. Add the hot milk, continuing to stir as the sauce thickens. Bring it to a boil. Season with salt, pepper and the nutmeg, lower the heat, and cook, stirring for 2 to 3 minutes more. Remove from the heat. To cool this sauce for later use, cover it with wax paper or pour a film of milk over it to prevent a skin from forming.


5. For the filling, heat some olive oil in a heavy bottomed pan, add the garlic and cook till golden brown. Add the meat, season well and sear for a couple of minutes making sure to stir frequently getting some colour all over the lamb.


6. Add the beer and the herbs and continue cooking for 3-4 minutes.


7. Dice the mortadella and chop it with a knife together with the lamb. Add the parmesan and the egg and mix well.


8. Blanch the silverbeet in salted water for one minute. Chop them in 1/2 centimetres pieces and add to the mix.

9. Pod the broadbeans, blanch in salted water for a minute and chill them in iced water. Peel them and keep aside for later.


Building the cannelloni:

1. Take the pasta from the fridge, divide it in half and start to roll it out with the pasta roller until you get sheets that are 2 mm thick.


2. Cut it into 6 x 30cm rectangles that you will blanch one by one for a few seconds in a saucepan with salted water.

3. Roll out the sheets on a cloth, stuff them with a little filling and roll them upon themselves.


4. Butter a baking pan, arrange the cannelloni one at a time, place a few chunks of smoked scamorza all over, add some broadbeans and cover with béchamel sauce.

5. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.


6. Bake at 340°F for 15 minutes.


Pick up these ingredients from Carriageworks Farmers Market and try the recipe for yourself! We’re open every Saturday from 8am – 1pm.