The Eternal Opening, 2019

“People entering this part of Carriageworks would see a very large and long rectangular box, built like a set, unroofed and clad from the inside so that the exterior structure of studs, plates, noggins, braces are revealed.

The only difference between the installation of the LEFT FIELD documentation in Melbourne and in the mock-up would be sound level. I propose to amplify the opening night noise level recorded with the video, so that it dominates the memory and record of the performance. It’s a simple shift but a very interesting one because the audience in this construction predominate as performers. It’s another level of the objectification of process and response. It seems to accentuate the null of the painting-out action, of white-on-white, and of the loss of an artist, by accentuating a kind of eternal opening night as a portrait of the art world.”

Mike Parr, 1 November, 2017


Visit The Eternal Opening at Carriageworks, 25 Oct – 8 Dec 2019.