Leaving a bequest to Carriageworks

There are five types of bequests that you can make to Carriageworks:

Entire Estate: You can leave your entire Estate under your Will to Carriageworks.

Residuary: You can leave the remainder of your Estate under your Will to Carriageworks once specific amounts or bequests have been made to other beneficiaries. Alternatively, you can leave to Carriageworks a percentage of the residue of your Estate.

: You can leave fixed sums of cash under your Will to Carriageworks.

Specific Asset:
You can bequest to Carriageworks real property or items of value such as jewellery, art or shares.
Investment in perpetuity or endowment: You can discuss with Carriageworks leaving amounts under your Will to an endowment fund.

There are two categories of bequests that you can make to Carriageworks:

General bequests: Amounts or assets you leave under your Will to Carriageworks is for discretionary use by Carriageworks to support its work.

Specific (or conditional) bequests: Amounts or assets you leave under your Will to Carriageworks are made subject to use for an identified purpose and may be directed to a specified use.

We have set out a Specific (or conditional) form of bequest below. This is not, however, offered as legal advice, which should always be obtained from your own Solicitor.

“I give and bequeath the sum of $___ to the public fund of Carriageworks Limited (ABN 80122628497) of 245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh, New South Wales to be used for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of an authorised officer of such organisation is sufficient release for my trustees without seeing to the final distribution of the funds and shall form valid discharge to my trustees.”

The form of Specific (or conditional) bequest suggested above provides for the gift to be applied for the general purposes of Carriageworks Limited and would allow the Board of Carriageworks Limited freedom to use it in the best interests of Carriageworks Limited at the relevant time. That is our preferred option because of the flexibility in application it permits. If, however, you wish to have your gift applied to a particular purpose of your choosing we invite you to consult with us to ensure your intended objective can be achieved.

Please ask your solicitor to confirm with us that you are making a bequest by sending us a copy of the relevant bequest clause in your Will.

If you would like to learn how you can help Carriageworks and to discuss making a bequest please contact philanthropy@carriageworks.com.au

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Carriageworks ABN 80122628497