Analiese Gregory: Sea Urchin Blini Recipe

Sea Urchin Blini with Creme Fraiche and Lemon
Serves 4


1 cleaned sea urchin or 20 tongues urchin roe per person – Fish Butchery
1/2 cup crème fraîche – Pepe Saya
1.5 tbsp finely chopped chives – Block 11
Lemon zest and juice to taste – Fanelli Organics
Butter or oil to fry the the blini – Pepe Saya or Alto Olives

For the buckwheat blini:
150g buckwheat flour
150g self raising flour
1.5 tbsp sugar
1 tsp sea salt – Olsson’s Sea Salt
2 tsp baking powder
400ml milk – Country Valley
2 eggs – Farmer Rod’s Free Range
1/3 cup butter – Pepe Saya



  1. For Buckwheat Blini, weigh all dry ingredients, melt the butter.
  2. Mix wet into dry and fold in butter using a stand mixer. Reserve until ready to use.
  3. Warm a non-stick or heavy based pan with a small amount of butter or oil then drop the blini mix in circles onto it.
  4. Wait till golden brown underneath then flip and cook on the other side.
  5. Mix the crème fraîche using hand blender or fork and add lemon zest, juice, chives and seasoning to taste.
  6. To plate: Serve crème fraîche on the side of a warm pile of blinis and sea urchin roe.

Note from Analiese:

At work we often make these into a sandwich with homemade crème fraîche and dust the tops with sea lettuce powder. I don’t like to apply too much heat to urchins. I tend to add them to a dish when it is finished or just toss through to warm them, as opposed to cooking them.


This recipe was cooked on equipment and appliances by Carriageworks Partner Smeg Australia.

Recipe from Analiese Gregory’s Flavour Partners Chef Masterclass in 2018.