Jordan Toft: Porchetta with winter truffles and creamed brassica greens Recipe

Porchetta with winter truffles and creamed brassica greens
Jordan Toft, Mimi’s



Pork belly with loin and skin attached, 2kg
Truffles, as much as you like
Brassica greens, 1 cup washed, blanched, squeezed out and chopped
Eschallots, 2 chopped
Garlic, 2 cloves minced
Mandarin, zest of half
Green shallots, 3 sliced
Chives, 2 TBSP snipped
Olive oil, 1 TBSP
Cream, dash
White pepper, 1tsp
Sea salt


Unsalted bone broth, 2L reduced
Garlic, 1 clove
Thyme, 3 sprigs
Butter, 1 TBSP


Winter brassicas – e.g. Spigarello, young broccoli leaves, sugarloaf cabbage
Lemon, half
Sea salt



1. Remove bones and cartilage from underside of the pork and set aside.


2. Sauté eschallot and garlic in the olive oil, add the cooked greens and warm through until mix is slightly dry, add a dash of cream and allow to reduce. Remove from heat and add zest, herbs and season lightly with salt. Squeeze in a little lemon and spread mixture over a tray to cool in the refrigerator.


3. Lay pork, flesh side up and season liberally with white pepper and sea salt. Spread the greens mixture in an even layer using a spatula.


4. Mircoplane liberal amounts of Australian Winter Truffle, as much as your heart desires, over greens.


5. Roll into a cylinder and using butchers’ twine, tie at 3cm intervals to create a sausage shaped Porchetta. Make small incisions in the skin between those ties.


6. Place on a rack, preferably over the sink and pour, directly on the skin, boiling water, repeating 2-3 times.

7. Place unwrapped, in the refrigerator for the skin to dry. 2-24hrs


To cook

1. Remove Porchetta from the refrigerator
2. Preheat oven to 220˚C
3. Rub skin with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and place in the oven.
4. Turn down to 180˚C and cook until crisp and 70˚c internal temperature is reached, rest


1. Reduce unsalted bone broth with garlic and thyme until syrupy, strain and swirl in cold butter just before serving.


1. Lightly sauté leaves until tender, sprtiz with a little lemon.


To serve

1. Take a generous slice of crisp Porchetta and plate, drape the greens over the side, lightly spoon over a little sauce and flourish with fine shavings of the best Australian truffle.