Black Quantum Futurism,  Clare Cooper, Nadeena Dixon,  Haines and Hinterding, Ensemble Offspring and Julie Vulcan will question how we experience time across scientific, cosmological, geological, cultural and queer lenses in a night of performance, installation, projection, storytelling and sound.

Public Space and Track 12

Welcome to Country

Clare Cooper, Mapped Intimacy

Haines and Hinterding

Ensemble Offspring

Clare Cooper, Mapped Intimacy
Nadeena Dixon, Star Stories

Haines and Hinterding

Ensemble Offspring

Clare Cooper

6pm – 10pm
Julie Vulcan, Drift – A love song to the Nocturnal
Black Quantum Futurism
Nadeena Dixon, Butterfly Dreaming

Award-winning, wholly Aboriginal-owned business Indigiearth will be on hand serving premium authentic native food and beverages.

Black Quantum Futurism

Carriageworks Nights is proudly supported by the NSW Government through the Culture Up Late Program.

Black Quantum Futurism 

Black Quantum Futurism Collective is a collaboration between Camae Ayewa (Rockers!; Moor Mother) and Rasheedah Phillips (The AfroFuturist Affair; Metropolarity) exploring the intersections of futurism, creative media, DIY-aesthetics, and activism in marginalised communities through an alternative temporal lens.
Clare Cooper 

Clare Cooper will perform one of her Mapped Intimacy graphic scores for harp, and a composition created at Carriageworks by the audience who will create a score using time, a map of the space, two simple prompts, and a set of rubber stamps.
Nadeena Dixon 

Nadeena Dixon is a Wiradjuri, Yuin and Gadigal (Dharug-Boorongberigal clan) Indigenous multi-disciplinary artist. For this night, Nadeena will create a portal into her Butterfly Dreaming world and will be telling star stories by the fire.
Haines and Hinterding 

Joyce Hinterding and David Haines have been interested in the radio space that passes through rocks for over a decade. Concerned with the intersection between hallucination and the landscape, they often combine mediums, incorporating sound, installation, video, performance, sculpture, photography, drawing and computer game technologies.
Julie Vulcan 

In Night Drifts, Julie Vulcan will settle the audience into their own dreys, burrows and hollows. Projections of infra-red footage and an accompanying soundscape will shift the human perspective to a larger-than-life nocturnal world at a time of increased environmental loss, degradation and stress.
Time Ensemble Offspring
Ensemble Offspring 

Ensemble Offspring's Claire Edwardes and Ben Kopp will perform TIME for Vibraphone and Piano. This 30 minute set will include Fragment by John Psathas, Bull in a China Shop by Samantha Wolf, Spel by Kate Moore and Empathy by Ivan Trevino.