Set within 4 Sydney public secondary schools; the Solid Ground Artist in Residence program enables students to make new works guided by leading Indigenous artists. The program provides hands-on learning experiences across dance, performance, composition, recording and visual art.
Dennis Golding, Illustrated Cape, Image: Dennis Golding 2018

Brendon Boney & Tessa Thames
Solid Ground is partnering with Brendon Boney & Tessa Thames (Microwave Jenny) as Artist I Residence at Evans High School. Brendon and Tessa will continue to mentor students with music, performance and lyric writing in 2021.

Neville Boney
NAISDA Dance College graduate Neville Boney has worked with Solid Ground previously as a guest choreographer – we are excited to offer Neville his own residency at Chifley College Bidwill Campus to develop a project with students.

Uncle Danny Eastwood and Jamie Eastwood
Students at Chifley College Dunheved Campus have the unique opportunity to learn about Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander culture, painting, sculpting and all things creative with iconic father-son-duo and visual artists.

Dennis Golding
In 2021, Dennis Golding continues We Wear Capes which features custom designed superhero capes by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students from Alexandria Park Community School. Dennis presented the capes at Blacktown Arts earlier this year with an exhibition titled Power, which will also be presented at Carriageworks in July.